If you are willing to be a self-learner, you will develop yourself.”
~ Lailah Gifty Akita
While dwelling in-between various tasks here and there, remember to invest and reinvest in your personal cum professional development.
Perhaps, one importance of being a young person is that you’ll be exposed to so many opportunities — of course alongside ‘tracasseries’ of life too. As a young person, every decision you make today can influence, either positively or negatively, your future. Plan your future wisely. He who fails to plan, understandably therefore, plans to fail. May we not be a failure in whatever we do. We implore the Almighty to guide us aright and make us successful in both worlds. Submissively, may He be pleased with us.
Going further, in this digital age, you can get almost every piece of information at your fingertips without qualms or harakiri. The world has gone digital. So, dear brethren, let's 'move' with it. You don't need to be a cloud computing savvy, or a techy of some sort. Basically, all you need is your smart phone connected to the world wide web. In one of my few op-ed articles, I did highlight the importance of the Internet as a catalyst to one's personal development. Examplary, I did submit that, "Google is your friend." Use it to get what you want such as information, sourcing, branding, planning, building and, the list is endless. Importantly, use your "keywords" wisely.
Memorably, I attended a conference last year. One of the speakers at the occasion was a serving Hon. Commissioner in one of the Nigerian States. He underscored the need for the youths to make use of their time, talents... and skills effectively. He took his time to emphasize on the need for everyone to go after what they are really passionate about — in a positive way which can add value to them. Narrating his personal experience through his assertion, the Hon. Commissioner said that his own staff dare not ask him any question except if they aren't able to get the answer to the said question online. That means, they have to know how to "Google search", as we do say in our day-to-day Nigerian parlance.
Then, not everyone knows how to use keywords to search for one thing or the other online. However, we can all learn. In this life, there is always going to be an 'avenue' for improvement. Thank God for making us humans!
By the way, have you heard about DIYs?
DIY at a Glance:
Do It Yourself ("DIY") is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals.
Needless to reiterate that there are plenty of things we can learn how to do on our own. There abound scores of website and specialized hubs online where everyone, as an internet consumer, can learn how to do that "damn" thing. One of them is: Wiki How (visit:; Go. Do It Yourself (DIY).
In the same discourse, Personal Development (PD) is not a subject being taught in our classes. One will not but say that PD is a ‘self’ course of study, a personal discipline, a methodology of growth which only you have designed for yourself within your ‘developmental curricular’.
School, most of the time, does not tell you to develop yourself in all areas of your endeavors. It verily helps you, in a way, to unleash your potential. Don't just rely on what you are being taught within the "four walls" of your classroom. Self-learning is key.
Notably, Maslow (1970, p.383) says that all individuals have the need to see themselves as competent and autonomous, also that every person has limitless room for growth.
Conclusively, you aren’t a Programmer? No worries. You, too, can start learning at least one programming language such as PHP, Phyton, Java, and C++. Click here now.
Kindly remember to let me know, in the the comment box below, about a book that changed your life.
Many thanks.