
Adamu Danjuma
Apr 23, 2021


I PRAY: May we continue to fully smile at each other in jollity. May our solace, our resilience, and our motivation of yesteryears, be found in the depth of every breath we – day and night – breathe deeply into the beautiful sky of magnitude and plentiful stars. May the song of hope, of courage, of togetherness, of greater heights, of mercy, and of humanity, be heard all over the place. May the Lord, the Omnipotent Creator, the Merciful, in His infinite blessings, bless us as we, humbly, submit ourselves to whatever that He has, long ago, decreed. May we pray gracefully, today, tomorrow – for good, peace, growth and posterity. For those of us who, sadly, have gone to the place-of-no-return, I offer this prayer. 🙏



Adamu Danjuma

Author of Les Larmes d'une Plume Esseulée, Adamu is a multilingual speaker & an emerging poet-writer. He's passionate about journalism & literature.