Adamu Danjuma
May 21, 2021


Tourmanted by the sordid tears

of an insidious era that cares

about none,

fighting my lonesome fear in times

of assorted quagmire

& disheartening stories

of broken bones

& restricted freedom

of speech,

of movement,

of association...

I foresaw pieces of my hard-earned

hope hanging sleepily atop the tree

of survival.

Here, survival has a fixed

price attached to its neck.

Here, an atom of survival is as


as a precious stone reserved for

the highest bidders

& their associates.

O, let thou not leave life:

live life!



Adamu Danjuma

Author of Les Larmes d'une Plume Esseulée, Adamu is a multilingual speaker & an emerging poet-writer. He's passionate about journalism & literature.