Something for the Sun
Sending you a day full of sunshine, a heaven filled with rainbows, and a pocket full of dreams. May the future ahead of you be as wonderful as you are. (Judith Wibberley)
The sun is so friendly that, when–by the will of its Maker–it is made to rise, we stand on our feet, go out, and try again.
The sun is so beautiful that, when it shines, you see its beauties dispersed all over the place.
The sun is happy that, when a day breaks, it encourages people to exchange pleasantries and greetings: ‘Good morning!’, ‘Do have a nice day!’...
And, like you, the sun, too, is unique because there’s only one you, and one sun, but many stars. Be the sun in the sky. Be unique in this world– be yourself.
The sun is friendly that, one out of the seven days of the week in the Gregorian calendar is curled from its appellation: Sunday.
The sun is yellow, a color attributable to gold and yolk. The sun is oftentimes bright. Its rays brighten up our path and strengthen our mustles so as to, day and night, double our struggle in spite of intricacies and life’s hurdles.
The sun is known across cultures: Shams in Arabic, Rana in Hausa, Soleil in French, El sol in Spanish, Oorun in Yoruba... The sun is a universal gift from the Omniscient.
In obeisance to the Lord’s order, the sun is out there for a reason. You are, possibly, the reason why the sun shines unto our farmlands.
She was like the sun,
She knew her place in the world -
She would shine again regardless
of all the storms and changeable weather
She wouldn’t adjust her purpose
for things that pass.— Nikki Rowe
Here’s an article about Astronomy in the Qur’an. Also read: Earth’s Sun: Facts About the Sun’s Age, Size and History by Charles Q. Choi. If you need some inspirational quotes which speak of the sun, go through these 44 Sunshine Quotes to Bring Some Positivity to Your Day.