Years of tears and sorrowful
thoughts of an emptied space that once
preoccupied many a minds have gone. You shall smile as you gather the remnants
of your perfumed clothes and shoes in the vessel of fresh waters. You have, see,
kept my mouth agape like a hot cooking pot exposed under the shade
of trees that shake their leaves of colorful branches in zigzag. You are more than the lyrics of my guitar-like voice singing an endless song of victory after defeat, joy after unhappiness, and gain after pain. Assure me, O! Assure me...
Assure me to be there whenever the night is set to leave our house. I want
to be helpful to those who beg for food but end up feeding on hats and nylons.
They are humans who like bean soup, too. Not dinosaurs. Not omnivorous rodents...
& O, remind me to see you through the process of getting your mind freed from distress.
When I go back to my desk during the tedious hours of hard work, I feel like
coming back home to see the missing
part of ‘the me’ in the eyes ‘of the you.’
To ignore the cuteness of your visage,
which scintillates every day, is a nebulous act
of naysayers. For me, by valorous virtue of truth
that has no boundaries, you are a rare
gem. This cyberspace, see, is where I
find fortitude to give meanings to my
feelings. My feelings are strongly felt.
& O, I can't imagine myself all alone–
Like fine fishes being fried in the pan of
pure vegetable oil. Lovely poignant-poems written
for you can’t quantify the zillion amount of the affectuous calmness one has ever
found in an exceptional personality that
is you.
Dress, O! Dress in your angelic attire. Your satin pleases the sky.
Grab a portion of my soul and seduce my skeleton.
No more longing into the years of tears. Let us laugh through the dawn yet anew.