The “Yes We Can!” Mantra: My Plea For Africa
Hey, we can still use what we already have, here on the continent of Africa, to grow our economy, and everything in-between — before we go about seeking any help up-and-down. Can't, possibly, we?
Before anything, let me at this point ask myself and, of course, you, my esteemed reader, this question yet anew: Is bad governance our major challenge?
Mayhap, the answer to the latter isn't too far fetched. This could be said to be so because, I believe, we all know our own problems. Don't we? Additionally, we all, in one way or the other, know how to solve them smoothly or otherwise — as the case might be. No theories!
But, one could, as a matter of fact, admit that, many of us today, unlike yesterday, are relatively not even ready to solve the said problems affecting us a people of a sovereign nation. In spite of all the aforementioned realities, in unison, let's make things happen!
While I can't, from my comfort zone, continue to keep mum pertaining to some, if not all, of the issues of international discourses in relation with my own continent, I have the following but humbling plea to make for good, growth, and posterity. It's as simple as:
Instead of seeking more loans from January 1 to December 31, kindly invest the wealth of the nation in strengthening our education sector at all levels. This will also go a long way in equipping our institutions of higher learning with the modern day, cutting-edge research facilities, thereby giving our teachers a truly conducive working space for the continuous mentorship programmes of up-and-coming scholars, for knowledge-sharing, for expanding the scope of their research at the global community, etc. To occupy a place of pride in the comity of nations and continents, we dare not underestimate the role of peace, state-of-the-art infrastructural development, sustainable agriculture, entrepreneurship, science, technology, and innovation today.
Yes, we, too, can! Can't we?